2024 All-American
National Toggenburg Club

Entries open NOW until December 31st 2024

The All-American competition, hosted by the National Toggenburg Club, is judged anonymously by ADGA Licensed Judges based on photos and/or vidoes, and show wins provided by the owners.

NTC All-American competition highlights the year's ​exceptional Toggenburgs and celebrates the hard work and dedication of Toggenburg Breeders like you!

  • All-American for Each Doe Age Class
  • All American Best Udder
  • All American Buck
  • All-American Youth Entry
  • Reserve All-American for Each Doe Age Class
  • Reserve All-American Best Udder
  • Reserve All-American Buck
  • Reserve All-American Youth Entry

Who Can Enter?

The All-American ​Competition ​is open to anyone with Toggenburgs!  You must own the Toggenburg at the time of entry. Toggenburg Jr Does, Sr Does, and Bucks​ Purebred and Americans allowed ​NO Experimentals or Recorded Grades

Does need to qualify by achieving one of the following at any 2024 (based on year you are submitting) Sanctioned Show

  • 1st in an individual class in which there was competition (more than 1 entry)
  • ​Grand or Reserve Grand Champion (Junior or Senior Doe)
  • Senior, Reserve Senior, Junior, or Reserve Junior Champion (Combined Doe)
  • Second in a class with more than 10 animals competing
  • 1st in a Champion Challenge class in which there were at least 2 animals competing
  • 2nd in a Challenge Class if there were more than 5 entries ​​

do not need show wins to enter

What do you need to apply?

Images and/or videos that show your Toggenburg off to their best advantage

  • Side Profile Photo (required) taken in the year you are entering 
  • Rear Photo (optional) taken in the year you are entering
  • Youtube link of doe/buck in motion (optional) taken in the year you are entering
*Any doe with an attached rear udder image will automatically be judged for Best Udder*

Photos need to be uploaded to the online application. Entries are judged solely on the photos YOU provide. Use photos that are clear, with full view of the Toggenburg. Judging is anonymous. Please provide photos that do NOT include any herd names, handler faces, or any identifiable information in the photo.

Entry fee is $7.00 per submission

National Toggenburg Club Members have reduced fee of $3.50 per submission!



Become a Member

You can apply to be a NTC Member NOW to receive instantly reduced entry fees!

Member Application Form


Youth yearly membership is $5 per year

Adult yearly membership is $15 per year